About MELC
MELC’s preschool facility has 6 classrooms that can offer programming for up to 96 total 3- to 4-year-old students. At the school age level, we offer before and after school programming at 9 locations, as well as summer programming. These programs serve approximately 1000 students a year.
Preschool Program
Children Ages 3 - 5
Each classroom was created especially for the curious preschooler, and is staffed with highly-qualified, experienced teachers, and a child-to-teacher ratio of 1 to 8 to ensure the safety of all children. Breakfast, lunch and an afternoon snack are provided and prepared on-site. A sliding scale tuition is offered.
School-Age Programs
Children Ages 5 -12
The Manchester Early Learning Center's School-Age Programs, are conveniently located throughout the public school district of Manchester. MELC offers flexible scheduling to meet your family's needs, along with a team of highly-qualified staff and a 1 to 10 ratio of staff to children.
MELC’s partnerships with the Town of Manchester and Manchester Public Schools set our organization apart from other childcare centers. MELC’s collaborates with these two entities in a variety of ways including facility use, shared programming and working together to apply for and facilitate state and federal programming grants.